© copyright 2024 by ORTMANN Media, München
Diamond Painting - From Your Own Photo

Differences Between STD, ADV, and PRO


Depending on your needs, the software is available in three versions: STD (Standard): The most affordable version. ADV (Advanced): Designed for advanced users, offering significantly more printing options and support for larger images. PRO (Professional): Tailored for professionals, with features like adding your own logos, banners, URLs, and other information to designs, as well as the ability to create a comprehensive "template book."
STD starting at 39,- €
ADV starting at 139,- €
PRO starting at 259,- €
Automatically convert
Wizard for easy conversion of photos into templates, guiding you step by step.
Dither Function
Dither function, a professional algorithm for pixelating sharp color transitions.
Draw images yourself
Comprehensive editor for drawing or editing your designs.
Maximum design size
The maximum size a design can have.
200x200 pixels (approx. 60x60cm)
Limited by the system (up to 5x5 meters)
Limited by the system (up to 5x5 meters)
Large-format printing
Printing in any size, including large formats, not limited to ANSI/DIN standards. Only restricted by your printer driver or PDF printer.
200x200 pixels (approx. 60x60cm)
Limited by the system (up to 5x5 meters)
Limited by the system (up to 5x5 meters)
URL/Company name in the printout
Your own URL and company address on the printout.
Color palettes
Palettes containing up to 447 colors.
Automatic size calculation
Preset fixed formats. Set the final size with automatic pixel calculation, but also fully adjustable.
Own logo
Insert your own logo for the printout.
Top and bottom banners
Custom wide banner at the top and bottom for professional design, e.g., logo, social media information, etc.
Different looks
The user interface can be completely switched to different looks, e.g., light gray, light blue, or a dark night mode.
Drawing Pen
Adjustable drawing tool width
Line, circle, rectangle
Drawing functions, empty and filled
Color fill bucket
For filling areas
Text function
Create text with Diamonds using any fonts.
For erasing parts of images or cropping images, with adjustable width.
Undo/Redo function
Add inner border
Automatically outline areas, sharp or rounded edges.
Add outer border
Automatically outline areas, with sharp or rounded edges.
Outline with backstitch
Automatically outline areas using the backstitch technique.
For conveniently picking up colors.
Grid display
Grid and symbols can be displayed as desired.
Realistic preview
The image can be displayed in a photorealistic way to preview the final result in advance.
Mirroring and rotating image objects
Duplicate, etc., image areas, e.g., to quickly create patterns. Supports transparent backgrounds.
Library function for managing frequently used image elements, such as flowers, patterns, hearts, etc.
Highlight color
Highlight individual colors to easily locate stitches using the same thread.
Live preview for brightness, contrast, color saturation, color count, and resolution.
Adjust the image crop, brightness, contrast, resolution, and color count during the conversion from photo to embroidery template. Any number of colors can be selected and tested with a live preview until the optimal image is achieved.
Extensive special print settings, such as grid display, with/without color in the squares (black- and-white/color), grid labeling, real-view printing, legend, labels, table of contents... The grid size can be adjusted as desired, ...
The printed legend displays symbols, item numbers, color names, usage, etc. Printing can be adjusted to include/exclude color names and other details.
Legend directly on the design
Print the legend directly on the design page instead of on a separate sheet, either on the right or below.
Professional print settings
Customizable settings for line thickness of different grid line types and symbol sizes when printing, e.g., according to publishing requirements.
Printing of design and legend
Design and legend – everything you need for your masterpiece.
Printing of additional pages
Title page, company information page. Useful when creating templates for clients.
Further processing
The embroidery templates can be professionally processed in CMYK and vector-based formats for print media if exported via a PDF generator (e.g., freeware).
Automatic CMYK values
The CMYK values for all colors are generated automatically.
CMYK configuration
The CMYK values for all colors can be customized individually.
Automatic symbol assignment
Automatisch optimale Zuordnung von Symbolen zu den Farben.
Manual Symbol Mapping
Manual assignment of symbols, e.g. according to publishing standards.
Professional Symbols
Representation with the usual professional symbols, over 500 available. Each in standard and bold weighting.
Use of Own Symbols
Use of own symbols and own fonts for the display of symbols, e.g. according to publisher's specifications.
Replace Color
For quick replacement of colors for image optimization.
Color Palette Editor
Create palettes yourself, change existing palettes.
Export to JPG/PNG/TIFF
As a bitmap, e.g. for passing on to friends, or for publishing in forums. For printers, even up to more than 500 megapixel resolution!
Update Checker
Check to see if there are new free updates available, e.g. new color palettes, new online help, new features, and install them conveniently.
Ghost View, Shadow Image
Transparent display of the original image behind the converted stitch template. For professional post-production, such as adding backstitch manually, bringing out details, etc.
Export of Legend
Legend can be exported as CSV for further processing, e.g. in Excel.
© copyright 2024 by ORTMANN Media, München - Terms/Conditions - About
Diamond Painting - From Your Own Photo

Differences Between STD, ADV, and

PRO Versions

Depending on your needs, the software is available in three versions: STD (Standard): The most affordable version. ADV (Advanced): Designed for advanced users, offering significantly more printing options and support for larger images. PRO (Professional): Tailored for professionals, with features like adding your own logos, banners, URLs, and other information to designs, as well as the ability to create a comprehensive "template book."
Automatically convert
Dither Function
Draw images yourself
Maximum design size
200x200 pixels (approx. 60x60cm)
Limited by the system (up to 5x5 meters)
Limited by the system (up to 5x5 meters)
Large-format printing
200x200 pixels (approx. 60x60cm)
Limited by the system (up to 5x5 meters)
Limited by the system (up to 5x5 meters)
URL/Company name in the printout
Color palettes
Automatic size calculation
Own logo
Top and bottom banners
Different looks
Drawing Pen
Line, circle, rectangle
Color fill bucket
Text function
Add inner border
Add outer border
Outline with backstitch
Grid display
Realistic preview
Highlight color
Live preview for brightness, contrast, color saturation, color count, and resolution.
Legend directly on the design
Professional print settings
Printing of design and legend
Printing of additional pages
Further processing
Automatic CMYK values
CMYK configuration
Automatic symbol assignment
Manual Symbol Mapping
Professional Symbols
Use of Own Symbols
Replace Color
Color Palette Editor
Export to JPG/PNG/TIFF
Update Checker
Ghost View, Shadow Image
Export of Legend